As I wanted to know more about what the system of my Raspberry Pi was trying to tell me I had to set up a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). I was using a MTA called postfix in its local only mode.
Installing postfix package
I first made sure I had the newest list of packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo runs the command with super user rights (actually not sure if this is needed here)
apt-get update checks for the newest lists of packages
Then I installed the postfix package using this code:
sudo apt-get install postfix
sudo runs the command with super user rights (actually not sure if this is needed here)
apt-get install postfix installs the package postfix
Check this thread on how to uninstall packages:
Configure postfix package
The configuration procedure was run automatically and I chose local only as I just wanted to ensure to being able to read system messages.
As system mail name I just went with the default name that was already set.
In /etc/postfix/ I made sure to have this:
myhostname = localhost mydomain = localdomain inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost mynetworks_style = host
default_transport = error:outside mail is not deliverable
Furthermore I chose
home_mailbox = Maildir/
to store messages in the subdirectory Maildir of my home directory.
postfix upgrade-configuration
I got the first message that I had new mail and the path where it would be found (standard path should be /var/mail/[username]).
Resources I’ve been using to learn this
in German: