Learning to Setup Postfix to Receive Error Messages From the System of a Raspberry Pi

As I wanted to know more about what the system of my Raspberry Pi was trying to tell me I had to set up a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). I was using a MTA called postfix in its local only mode. Continue reading Learning to Setup Postfix to Receive Error Messages From the System of a Raspberry Pi

Learning to Download Flickr Photos Using Python and FlickrAPI

This was a quite tricky thing for me to get it running but here it is – how I download photos of a set (album) on Flickr (both public and private) with a python script to a Raspberry Pi. Continue reading Learning to Download Flickr Photos Using Python and FlickrAPI

Learning to Downgrade to Older Python Package

When using some piece of code I found somewhere on a blog post I came across the problem that it was not running with the actual flickrAPI I wanted  to work with.

As I needed a quick and dirty solution I downgraded to the older version of flickrAPI as follows. Continue reading Learning to Downgrade to Older Python Package