Learning to Disable Text Terminals From Blanking in Raspbian (Linux)


By now, I cannot confirm that this is really working… Sorry.

When developing on a Raspberry Pi I wanted to get rid of screen blanking when not touching the terminal for some time. To do so I had to change some settings in a config file as follows. Continue reading Learning to Disable Text Terminals From Blanking in Raspbian (Linux)

Learning to Downgrade to Older Python Package

When using some piece of code I found somewhere on a blog post I came across the problem that it was not running with the actual flickrAPI I wanted  to work with.

As I needed a quick and dirty solution I downgraded to the older version of flickrAPI as follows. Continue reading Learning to Downgrade to Older Python Package

Learning to Format a SD Card as FAT32 Using Mac Command Line

To format a SD card (or any other sort of disk you can connect to your Mac) using command line I do as follows: Continue reading Learning to Format a SD Card as FAT32 Using Mac Command Line