When using some piece of code I found somewhere on a blog post I came across the problem that it was not running with the actual flickrAPI I wanted to work with.
As I needed a quick and dirty solution I downgraded to the older version of flickrAPI as follows.
Uninstall Actual Package
I deinstalled the actual flickrAPI (was running on 2.1.2) by using the following command:
sudo pip uninstall flickrapi
sudo gives me super user rights (take care to not mess up your system using this!)
pip is the command to tell python to install or deinstall something (python install package)
uninstall uninstalls the following package
flickrapi was the package I wanted to uninstall
Install Older Package
sudo pip install -Iv https://pypi.python.org/packages/SpecificPathToPackage.tar.gz
sudo gives me super user rights (take care to not mess up your system using this!)
pip is the command to tell python to install or deinstall something (python install package)
install installs the following package
-I ignores the installed packages (reinstalling instead, just in case)
v Couldn’t find out so far what this option does, was recommended to use though.
path to the package’s archive
Resources I’ve Been Using to Learn This